*** 1st week
January, 2006 ***
Tarzan |
Nutti |
Brave |
Mocha |
Poppy |
186 | greetings |
TARZAN: | Oh, long time no see! Have you been well? Me? Thanks, I'm so fine. |
BRAVE: | Tarzan, who are you talking to? |
TARZAN: | Brave, say hi to all of them. We've not been here because Sis has neglected her duties for a long time. |
BRAVE: | You said it! She's always saying she's so busy and just lies around doing nothing. Hi all! Excuse us for our long silence. Hope everything is well with you all. |
TARZAN: | We are both in high spirits. But sometimes Poppy and Mocha beat us. You know, they're always spoiling for a fight. |
BRAVE: | Right. How come they are so aggressive? This year we should take some measures against them. |
POPPY: | Hey, what are you talking about? |
With every good wish for a happy
New Year!