*** 1st week January, 2006 ***






186 greetings
TARZAN: Oh, long time no see!  Have you been well?  Me?  Thanks, I'm so fine.  
BRAVE: Tarzan, who are you talking to?  
TARZAN: Brave, say hi to all of them.  We've not been here because Sis has neglected her duties for a long time.  
BRAVE: You said it!  She's always saying she's so busy and just lies around doing nothing.  Hi all!  Excuse us for our long silence.  Hope everything is well with you all.  
TARZAN: We are both in high spirits.  But sometimes Poppy and Mocha beat us.  You know, they're always spoiling for a fight.
BRAVE: Right.  How come they are so aggressive?  This year we should take some measures against them.  
POPPY: Hey, what are you talking about? 

With every good wish for a happy New Year!