*** 1st week July, 2002 ***

Poppy Brave
Tarzan Mocha
120 parental love
TARZAN: Only these kittens?  Looks like they have decreased.    
MOCHA: Not "looks like,"  but, actually, they have decreased!
TARZAN: Hmmmm.  How many in the beginning?    
MOCHA: Hey, you say that you don't know the number of your own babies?
TARZAN: Several.      
MOCHA: Several!?  (sob-sob)  
POPPY: Hey, don't cry.  Here's a surprise from Mayu san and us.  Buck up!
MOCHA: Oh my!  Sooooo cuuuute!!!  Thanks!!


Mayu's Tea Room


*** 2nd week July, 2002 ***

Mocha Poppy(Click for blown-up)
Brave Tarzan
121 invincible myth
TARZAN: Hey.  This window screen isn't the usual one.  Can't cut the thread by my sharp steel-like claws.    
BRAVE: Don't be silly!  Let me try.  No.  Why not?  Strange!  
TARZAN: The screen wouldn't come off even though I'm pushing as hard as I can.  It got dented just a little bit.      
BRAVE: Hmmmm.  This is apparently Sis' challenge to us.  
TARZAN: She's so obstinate!  We won all its games.    
BRAVE: Yeah.  We can't dump the invincible myth.  Okay.  Any time, anywhere, we'll be glad to take her challenge. 
TARZAN: Sure!  


*** 3rd week July, 2002 ***

Tarzan Mocha
Poppy Brave
122 Whose kid?
TARZAN: When I was put in the bag for clipping the claws, that brat came to me.  He knew that I couldn't move at all, so he slapped my head twice.  What an evil brat!  Wonder who he takes after?      


*** 4th week July, 2002 ***

Brave Tarzan
Mocha Poppy
123 litter problem
POPPY: Shit!  I hate this litter!  So fluffy that I can't feel anything even I rake them!      
BRAVE: This one is made of paper.  Different from the clay type, it's flammable.  In other words, very ecological.
POPPY: I've heard about ecology so often.  Sick of it!   Let me use the litter I like!  If paper is ecological, okay, I'll pee here!!        
BRAVE: Gosh!  I don't know how you hate this litter, but you shouldn't have used the kleenex!   That's going too far!!   And yet, it's still new.