*** 1st week June, 2000 ***


                 Brave(Click for blown-up)                             Poppy                               

014 Brave's problem
BRAVE: Hey, wait! Why don't you cover your pee with litter? Don't you have an instinct of self-defense? Unless the pee is hidden, your enemies easily find where you are!
POPPY: I have no enemies here. It's not a jungle nor a savanna.
BRAVE: Ummmm...., well, etiquette..., yes, etiquette concerns! Don't you think it rude to me who goes for pee after you?
POPPY: Nope. You don't have to use the litter box I peed in. 'Cause we have another three toilets, you can choose any one of them.
BRAVE: I am something scrupulous, though. So I can't leave the pee uncovered like this!
POPPY: Bre, it's your matter, not mine. OK. You can do with it as you like.
BRAVE: Should I hide Poppy's pee as long as we live? Shi-i-i-t! (za-za-za-za-za.....!!)


*** 2nd week June, 2000 ***


          Poppy(Click for blown-up)                           Brave


015 raccoon dog
POPPY: You know what? The other day Pearl's uncle and aunty saw a raccoon dog near here.
BRAVE: Raccoon dog!? Really? Not only weasels, this time even a racoon dog did appear! Poppy, possibly we were taken to the sticks we can never imagine.
POPPY: Maybe. We know nothing about the outside, though. Well, Pearl's uncle added that it's exactly a raccoon dog, but it's not the one who deceives someone.
BRAVE: Whew! Relieved to hear that..... I'll bet next time it's a bear......


*** 3rd week June, 2000 ***


                       Brave                              Poppy


016 granny
POPPY: At last I became one year old on 8th last week.
BRAVE: Oh, really? Congrats! So, you are older than I by one month and a half.
POPPY: Yep. There are lots of means to figure ages, though, maybe I'm about eighteen or so if I were a human. By the way, how old is granny? I've wanted to ask someone.
BRAVE: No idea! But you became 18 in a year. Granny looks older than you by 1000 times at least. Wait, according to my figures...., well...., OK. Got it! She's 181000 years old!
POPPY: Boy! If so, has she ever seen Cleopatra?
BRAVE: I doubt it. Heard that she'd never been abroad in her life.


*** 4th week June, 2000 ***


                      Poppy                            Brave


017 masterpiece
BRAVE: Poppy, Com'ere! Look!
POPPY: What? Oh, my gosh! Hey, Bre, you peed in sister's shoe?
BRAVE: Yep! This is the best work that I've ever produced. Even though I filled the shoe to the brim with pee, I didn't leak any drop on the floor nor on the outside of the shoe. You see? It requires much skill to decide the quantity and the direction.
POPPY: Oh, yeah. As you say, you didn't soil the outside at all.
BRAVE: Never! This work could win the full mark out of 10 points both in technical point and in artistic impression!
POPPY: Um....since you insist.....possibly, it could be called, a "masterpiece"....
BRAVE: Hey, sis is coming here.
POPPY: (giggle) Poor sis!