*** 1st week October, 2002 ***

Poppy Brave
Tarzan Mocha
132 spell
POPPY: Brave, what have you gathered us for?
BRAVE: Everyone's here?  Okay.  Now I'll have something appear here, uttering a spell.
TARZAN: Spell?  Can you do magic?  Using that chopstick?  
BRAVE: Yep.  Just begun to learn it.   Apparepictura!
MOCHA: Wow!  A painting has appeared!   Oh, my goodness!!  That's me and my kittens!! 
BRAVE: Present from Artemis.  Don't forget to thank her. 

ªClick for the biggerª


*** 2nd week October, 2002 ***

Mocha Poppy
Brave Tarzan
133 Bravism
POPPY: Brave, did you give up your Bravism?
TARZAN: Bravism?  What's that?   
POPPY: That is, having no kids for life.
BRAVE: No, I didn't give up.  Just made some alterations.
POPPY: Alterations?  What do you mean by that?  
BRAVE: Still, I don't wanna have any kids, but decided to leave my gene.  
MOCHA: You, you don't wanna have any kids?!  How dare you say such a thing?  You already have 4 kittens!  
BRAVE: So, Mocha, I'll give you all the kittens.  You take care of them.  
MOCHA: Uuuuuugh!!!


*** 3rd week October, 2002 ***

Tarzan Mocha
Nutti Brave
134 Kelkat Leopoldine
TARZAN: Brave, you saw that one?     
BRAVE: Definitely!  So scared that I almost wetted the floor! 
TARZAN: *I did.  I was afraid that she's trying to eat me!     
BRAVE: Well...,  she's, if anything, well-behaved, isn't she?  Looks like sitting still there.  
TARZAN: Yeah.  She doesn't talk, doe she?   
BRAVE: She doesn't understand Japanese well, I guess.  
TARZAN: Maybe.   

* It's an unmistakable fact.