*** 1st week October, 2001 ***


Poppy Tarzan

084 ancestors
BRAVE: Hey!  Poppy!  Look!  This cat looks like you!
POPPY: Which one?  Leopard cat?  It's natural.  This cat is my ancestor.  
BRAVE: Really?  No wonder he is just like you.  Especially big eyes and puffed nose leather!
POPPY: You see?  I'm what is called typey.  
TARZAN: Ah!  Brave!  This one bears striking likeness to you!  I bet he's your ancestor!!
BRAVE: My ancestor?  Let me see.....  Kliban cat?... It's cartoon!


*** 2nd week October, 2001 ***


Tarzan Brave(Click for other photo)

085 hard-boiled
POPPY: Brave, you know what?  Tarzan was crying "Mommy!," in his sleep like a baby!
BRAVE: Were you, Tarzan?  Frankly, I'm sort of surprised that you have such a sentiment.  You're always thinking about what to eat when you are awake.
TARZAN: It is awfully easy to be hard-boiled about everything in the daytime, but at night it is another thing.
BRAVE: What's that?
TARZAN: Jake said in The Sun Also Rises.
POPPY: You mean Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises?
BRAVE: I can't understand you at all, Tarzan.  A fool or a genius?
TARZAN: What's "genius"?
POPPY: Maybe, the former one..... 


*** 3rd week October, 2001 ***

Tarzan Poppy
Mocha Brave
086 niece
BRAVE: Hey, did you two see Mocha?
TARZAN: Yep!  She's cute.
POPPY: Is she?  You really think so?  Her face is so long that she looks like a little monkey or something.  
BRAVE: But everyone says she looks just like you, Poppy.
TARZAN: I'll say!  Actually, I took her for you until yesterday.
POPPY: You, idiot!  Anyway, which part of me looks like hers?
BRAVE: Poppy, she's your niece, isn't she?
TARZAN: Yeah, I heard that she's a daughter of your half-brother.
POPPY: Gosh!  Do you mean it?? 


*** 4th week October, 2001 ***

Brave Tarzan
Poppy Mocha(Click for blown-up)
087 strong girls
TARZAN: Waaaah!  Mocha took my toy again!!
BRAVE: Yesterday, she broke mine, too. 
POPPY: Why don't you two scold her?  She's taking advantage of your leniency! 
TARZAN: But I'm scared of her.  She picks a fight with me. 
MOCHA: Auntie Poppy!
POPPY: Don't call me "auntie"!   How many times should I tell you?  You'll pay for your cheekiness!  (Smack! Smack! Smack!)
BRAVE: As I expected, Poppy is the strongest.  .....No one is match for her.
TARZAN: Exactly. But, look!  Mocha gives tit for tat.  Formidable spectacle! .