*** 1st week September, 2000 ***


                      Poppy                    Brave(Click for blown-up)


027 distinction
POPPY: Brave, stop peeing at the other places than toilets.
BRAVE: This isn't a pee but a spray. You know, it's a natural behaviour as a matured male. I know you peed on sister's bed when she went to Osaka a few days ago.
POPPY: Hah, it's OK. She'll never know unless we let it out.
BRAVE: She knows you did it.
POPPY: Oh, does she? How did she know that?
BRAVE: It's displeasing to me, but she distinguished because my pee smelled worse than yours. What's more, I admitted too that you'd done it.


*** 2nd week September, 2000 ***


                       Brave                   Poppy(Click for blown-up)


028 timing
BRAVE: Everyone says I'm so cool when I'm mad and my mane is ruffled. Take a picture of me 'cause I've never seen it. Like this? Ffft!
POPPY: No good at all. Ah, hit upon a good idea! Better to open your mouth widely and bug your eyes out.
BRAVE: Really? Then, how's this? Shaaaaaaa!!
POPPY: Mmm. Still not so good. Then, put your strength on the back and hold your breath a while.
BRAVE: Hold my breath? Well..., fffffffft!!!
POPPY: Great! Hold it. Uh, er, o-kay!
BRAVE: Gasp-gasp.... You did it? .....Pant-pant....
POPPY: (Click!) Oops! Sorry! Missed the timing!


*** 3rd week September, 2000 ***


                       Poppy                      Brave


029 nicknames
BRAVE: Poppy, we're rarely called by real names. It's only when we're scolded. Usually, "Bre" "Bre-Bre" "Bretchie" "Bre-tan" "Bre-kitchi", and so on. They always call us as they like.
POPPY: I'll say. My nicknames are "Potchan" "Popi-tan" "Potchie." In my case, adjectives are often added to them, like "Pretty Potchie!" "Lovely Potchan!", etc.
BRAVE: Really? Never heard your nickname called with such an adjective. Anyway, I hope to be called "Tom." Tom of Tom Cruise. You know, I somewhat look like him.
POPPY: What?! Please tell me what part of you is like Tom Cruise!
BRAVE: Look! Here, my thick neck! Both Tom Cruise and I have a head and a neck of the same widths!


*** 4th week September, 2000 ***


                       Brave                              Poppy


030 cleanliness
BRAVE: Poppy, you know that blue bowl is for my drinking water?
POPPY: Yep. Pink is mine. So what?.
BRAVE: You always plunge your hands in my water bowl. Why?
POPPY: To wash my hands in it as a finger bowl. You know I'm cleanly.
BRAVE: So, why don't you use your water bowl to wash your hands?
POPPY: Because I hate to drink dirty water.
BRAVE: Then, you mean that you don't care if my water gets dirty and undrinkable? Don't you think that you're too selfish?!
POPPY: Oh, Brave. It's a woman.


*** 5th week September, 2000 ***


                              Poppy                              Brave                     


031 failure in escape
POPPY: Hey! Sister! Why do you confine us to this small cage?.
BRAVE: I bet someone put the idea into her head again.She's never learned her lesson.
POPPY: I'm an claustrophobic! Get me out of here at once! !
BRAVE: Poppy, no use to cry for help. Look! She's having a nap with an open mouth.
POPPY: OK. Well, I'll escape through the opening of the cage! It's a cinch 'cause I could do when I was a kitten. Heave-ho!.........Yelp!!
BRAVE: Hey, whatcha doin' with your head out ? Gee, you're strangled with the cage rods. Idiot!
POPPY: Gawk! Help! I....I'll.... be..... choked!!